
Friday, November 11, 2011


下周两市限售股解禁市值环比翻倍达262亿元 新华网北京11月13日电(记者 华晔迪)根据沪深交易所的安排,下个交易周(11月14日至18日)两市共有29家公司共计21.86亿股解禁股上市流通,解禁市值环比翻倍达到262.17亿元。 据西南证券统计,下周两市共有29家公司的解 ... 下周两市限售股解禁市值环比翻倍达262亿元

Why Apple isn't releasing a TV

Why Apple isn't releasing a TV The internet was ablaze upon the release of the Steve Jobs' biography about a particularly interesting quote that seemed to reveal that Apple would release a TV. This is just as exciting a proposition as it ... Why Apple isn't releasing a TV

गिलानी पर आंख मूंदकर भरोसा नहीं: मनमोहन

गिलानी पर आंख मूंदकर भरोसा नहीं: मनमोहन प्रधानमंत्री के विशेष विमान से।। प्रधानमंत्री मनमोहन सिंह ने साफ किया है कि वह पाकिस्तानी पीएम यूसुफ रजा गिलानी पर आंख मूंदकर विश्वास ... गिलानी पर आंख मूंदकर भरोसा नहीं: मनमोहन

Erciyes'e ağır darbe

Erciyes'e ağır darbe Bank Asya 1. Ligi'nde haftaya lider giren Erciyes, sahasında Akhisar Belediye'ye mağlup olarak zirveyi kaptırdı. Konuk ekibin gollerini Sertan atarken, ev sahibinin sayılarını Gökhan ve Serkan ağlara yolladı Bank Asya 1. Ligi'nde Kayseri Erciyesspor ... Erciyes'e ağır darbe

100000 Fans Cheer, but the Mood Is Numb

100000 Fans Cheer, but the Mood Is Numb By BILL PENNINGTON STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — The tone for a Saturday football game under a bright sun was born in the darkness of a Friday night vigil at the epicenter of the Penn State campus. Spread across a grassy plain yards from the streets where ... 100000 Fans Cheer, but the Mood Is Numb

India Gate comes alive with colourful kites

India Gate comes alive with colourful kites The lawns of India Gate became a battle field as hundreds of kite flying enthusiasts thronged the venue to participate in the Capital's first Kite Flying Festival on Saturday. Organised by Delhi Tourism in association with Shahjahanabad Redevelopment ... India Gate comes alive with colourful kites

Italy's parliament approves reforms

Italy's parliament approves reforms Tax Time 2011Doing your tax doesn't need to be daunting! Check out ninemsn Finance's Tax Time for tips and advice on how to make your 2011/12 tax return work for you. Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was set to resign on Saturday after a ... Italy's parliament approves reforms

Engager la sortie du nucléaire, question de "courage politique", dit Duflot

Engager la sortie du nucléaire, question de "courage politique", dit Duflot Cécile Duflot, secrétaire nationale d'EELV, a estimé samedi qu'engager la sortie du nucléaire était une question de "courage politique", soulignant qu'il n'y avait à ce jour "aucune certitude sur l'issue" des négociations que les écologistes mènent ... Engager la sortie du nucléaire, question de "courage politique", dit Duflot

Tiger Woods falls out of the lead at Australian Open

Tiger Woods falls out of the lead at Australian Open SYDNEY — Tiger Woods waited 11 months before he found himself in the lead at a golf tournament. It took him three holes to lose it Saturday in the Australian Open. He opened the third round at The Lakes with three straight bogeys. ... Tiger Woods falls out of the lead at Australian Open

Why Italy Needs a Mario Monti

Why Italy Needs a Mario Monti After Berlusconi's fumbles, the country needs a technocratic leader like Mario Monti to implement structural overhauls necessary for economic growth. The future of the euro zone hangs in the balance as the ... Why Italy Needs a Mario Monti

Three hurt in Bay of Plenty crash

Three hurt in Bay of Plenty crash Three people suffered serious injuries and several were thrown from a vehicle in a crash in the Bay of Plenty this afternoon. The vehicle involved rolled down a bank in rural Ruatoki, sparking call-outs by two rescue helicopters to the scene south of ... Three hurt in Bay of Plenty crash

Nadia Comaneci implineste 50 de ani - Ziarul Observator de Bacau

Nadia Comaneci implineste 50 de ani - Ziarul Observator de BacauNadia Comaneci implineste 50 de ani. 12 Noiembrie 2011 | Sectiune: Actualitate | 1 accesari. Fosta mare sportiva Nadia Comaneci, primul gimnast notat cu 10, eroina Olimpiadei de la Montreal, implineste sambata, pe 12 noiembrie 2011, ...Nadia Comaneci implineste 50 de ani - Ziarul Observator de Bacau

胡锦涛会见美工商界代表 谈中美经贸关系四大机遇

胡锦涛会见美工商界代表 谈中美经贸关系四大机遇 新华社电(记者 刘东凯 陈鹤高)前来出席亚太经合组织第十九次领导人非正式会议的国家主席胡锦涛,当地时间10日下午在夏威夷州首府檀香山会见了美国工商界代表。 在听取了大家的发言后,胡锦涛发表讲话。胡锦涛表示,当 ... 胡锦涛会见美工商界代表 谈中美经贸关系四大机遇

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